Onion Tart

I thought starting with something like mayonnaise – the first of Granny’s recipes in my file – would be sensible for several reasons. 12 eggs and two litres of oil later and I wasn’t feeling quite so confident. I had naively thought that a bit of common sense and some careful whisking would be all that was needed (perhaps I need to work on both…). So no post on mayonnaise yet. 

Instead, a recipe for Onion Tart. A rather bland sounding recipe, but it exceeded expectations and was quick to make too (especially when cheating with ready made shortcrust pastry).

Whilst blind baking the pastry whip out your onion goggles and start finely slicing white onions. Fry gently and layer on the base of the pastry case once cooked. Mix together everything else – cheese, thyme, mustard powder, double cream and seasoning and pour over the onions. I deviated from the original and added spinach for a bit of colour and a sprinkle of oregano too. 

Onion Tart

Buying the mustard power felt like a rite of passage, but by no means necessary. Any English mustard would work just the same.

The smell was amazing. Imagine Tintagel cornish pasties with a packet of cheese and onion crisps. Yum yum.

2 thoughts on “Onion Tart

  1. rebeccachunter says:

    I’m gearing myself up to try again Tania! I’m sure we can both make it successfully – let me know how you get on if you do give it a go. You might just give me the encouragement I need!

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